Welcome to Gait Analysis

Get Back to the Action are the first clinic in North Yorkshire County to establish the latest Footscan technology and Phits+ Insoles. They are the world’s first 3D printed orthotics and are a bespoke service, designed and made to each individual patient from their dynamic gait analysis.
Injuries and musculoskeletal conditions of the foot, knee, hip and lower back are commonly a result of poor biomechanics, often stemming from the feet. The 1metre Footscan system we have in clinic, has over 8,000 high speed sensors which accurately capture and analyse your movement, providing comprehensive plantar pressure information which simply cannot be seen with a treadmill or the human eye. This helps us to identify, treat and rehabilitate the causes of injury, whilst offering the best advice for injury prevention strategies.

What happens at my appointment?
An assessment begins with a static scan, assessing foot posture and weight distribution. We can also monitor your balance and movement efficiency during tasks such as squatting and jumping. We then complete a dynamic gait analysis in the clinic.
Footscan provides a range of visual analysis screens allowing us to slow down your movement to identify the smallest asymmetries or dysfunctions. It then allows us to design orthotics bespoke to your individual needs from the real time dynamic data, providing tailored support and cushioning where you need it most. Our Phits+ orthotics are 3D printed at Materialise, the global leader in 3D printing. This allows us to provide the most accurate orthotics worldwide.
We can choose from a range of top covers, including the incredible D3O material which provides optimal comfort, world leading impact protection and energy return. Watch the video below to see what will happen at your appointment.

Who are orthotics for?
Our orthotics are not just for foot pain. They can assist with a range of conditions and act as a preventative measure to minimise the risk of injury.
Common Injuries which are affected by Biomechanics:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Shin Splints
- Achilles Tendonitis/Tendinopathy
- Metatarsalgia
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Heel pain
- Knee Pain
- Lower Back Pain
We are able sport specific designs for football, golf, cycling and ski footwear to help improve performance and movement efficiency. However, you do not need to consider yourself a “sports person” to benefit from this service. Anyone, who has a need for orthotics due to a musculoskeletal condition or dysfunction can access this service.
Gait Analysis £60 (30minutes appointment and includes a full written report includes a full written report being sent to the patient)
Phits+ Orthotics £250 (includes follow up appointment for orthotic measuring and fitting appointment (15mins)

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