Lateral Ankle Sprain

Lateral ligament injuries of the ankle are one of these most common injuries, inside and outside sport. They occur when the foot or ankle is overturned outwards. Normally it affects the anterior-talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneal-fibular ligament (CFL). If the sprain is severe the peroneal tendons can also be involved. Sprains can also affect the inside of the ankle from the foot turning inwards. These injuries affect the deltoid ligament region of the ankle.
Normal symptoms are pain when weight bearing and moving the ankle; swelling and bruising are common occurrences and will vary dependent on the grade of the sprain. Ankle sprains can seem to be very simple injuries, however that is not always the case. Without correct treatment and rehabilitation advice, symptoms can be prolonged leading to decreased athletic performance, joint stiffness and pain. Untreated these is also a high risk of reoccurrence.

Treatment can include: joint mobilisation, cross-fibre frictions, exercise rehabilitation

Plantar Fasciitis: Say “PLAN-ter fash-ee-eye-tus”

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of foot pain and can occur for a variety of reasons. The ligamentous structure that connect the heel to the toes becomes inflamed often making weight bearing extremely uncomfortable. Symptoms can be worse on a morning and ease through the day. Causes include: foot posture, tightness in the Achilles and calf, poor fitting or worn out shoes, walking/running for long periods on hard surfaces.

There are many treatment options available including: sports massage, soft tissue release, sports taping

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) often called “Shin Splints”

This is a very common injury in runners and affects the bottom two thirds of the inner (medial) Tibia (shin). If is often diagnosed as a stress fracture but if left untreated can predispose athletes to a stress fracture. Symptoms include, diffuse pain in lower tibia, increasing at the beginning of exercise and easing during exercise. Pain can return following competition of exercise and there might also be swelling present. If the pain continues for a long period of time, the pain can become more constant and directly leads to deceased activity and pain when not training.

Common causes include, running for sustained periods on hard ground, overload training (too much too soon), lower limb biomechanics, muscle weakness and flexibility.

Treatment can include, rest, decreased or modified activity, biomechanical assessment, stretching, exercise rehabilitation, sports massage

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