Tennis Elbow

This injury presents with pain around the outside of the elbow. Pain can be very intense, often described as burning pain. It is an overuse injury affecting the wrist extensor tendons, most commonly the erector carpi radialis brevis. If the muscles are placed under lots of strain, micro-tears, inflammation occur at the tendon insertion point; lateral epicondylitis, the bony point of the outside of the elbow. This injury doesn’t just affect tennis players. It is also common in people who use their wrists for work including; labourers, electricians, decorators, teachers (marking), office workers.

Other common symptoms include, problems gripping, lifting, twisting or extending the elbow. You may also have constant dull ache or neurological symptoms including numbness or pins and needles. However, these symptoms would be assessed via possible referral from the shoulder or cervical spine.

Treatment can include: Electrotherapy, frictions, massage, exercise rehabilitation, sports and kinesiology taping.

Golfers Elbow

This injury is similar in presentation to tennis elbow, although less common. The difference being it affects the inside of the elbow – medial epicondylitis. This injury normally occurs following a fall or people who play golf or are involved in sports where throwing is a fundamental activity.

Treatment can include: electrotherapy, frictions, massage, exercise rehabilitation, sports and kinesiology taping.

Medial or Lateral Ligament Strain

This injury occurs from excessive stress to the ligament on the medial (inside) or lateral (outside) aspect of the elbow. It is common in contact sports when falling onto an outstretched arm, where twisting results in a sudden onset of pain, with local swelling and tenderness when pressing on the ligament. You may also hear a “popping” type noise. People who “overuse” the elbow in throwing sports (cricket, baseball) can suffer this injury due to the constant stresses through the ligaments.

Treatment can include: frictions, massage, exercise rehabilitation, sports and kinesiology taping.


This injury commonly affects the Olecranon bursa so is called Olecranon Bursitis. The olecranon is the bony prominence on the posterior (back) aspect of the elbow – also known as the “funny bone”. The bursa lies between the bony tip and the skin which can become irritated and inflamed. The most common cause is falling or hitting the olecranon on a hard surface. It can also be caused from leaning for long periods on hard surfaces.

Symptoms include: swelling, redness, heat at the posterior elbow

Treatment can include; electrotherapy, exercise rehabilitation. Referral to GP might be sought if symptoms indicate

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