Rotator cuff Tear
Rotator cuff tears can occur from a single traumatic event such as lifting heavy loads, fall on outstretched arm. The condition can also develop over a period of time. Damage can occur due to the location of the tendons under the acromion. The supraspinatus is often the tendon most susceptible to a tear.
Symptoms include, night pain, decreased range of motion in abduction and external rotation (likely other movements are also affected), pain (sometimes referred to the arm) and weakness.
Treatment can include; mobilisation, soft tissue techniques, electrotherapy, exercise rehabilitation
GP referral for further investigation via MRI or diagnostic ultrasound if felt necessary.
Frozen shoulder
Also known as Adhesive Capsulitis the joint capsule can become inflamed and thickened impacting on the smooth articulation of the joint. Symptoms tend to worsen gradually and include, pain and stiffness. In severe cases there can be a complete loss of shoulder mobility.
Causes range from, lack of mobility, previous shoulder surgery, diabetes, age and gender. Other health problems such as stroke or heart conditions can lead to this injury.
There are three phases to this condition:
The “Freezing” phase: the joint begins to ache and reaching for items can become very painful. The “Frozen” phase: where the pain does not necessarily worsen but stiffness increases. You may notice visual wasting of the shoulder muscles. The “Thawing” phase; pain decreases and movement increases, although this can be intermittent, but long term function is reachable.
Treatment can be dependent on the phase of the injury you present with.
Shoulder dislocation
This injury is most common in contact sports and involves the arm being rotated outwards and backwards. Symptoms include, severe shoulder pain, rapid swelling and unwillingness to move the arm as well as the inability to move the arm. These symptoms require immediate medical attention.
Dislocations can become recurrent due to instability within the shoulder. Treatment of this can include, exercise rehabilitation, proprioception and stability exercises. In some case surgical intervention may be required.
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